Dr. Suzanne Humphries - Dissolving Illusions Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History.mp4

3 years ago

A lecture removed from YTube about the history of vaccines & how the authorities shunned Dr Humphries when she reported side effects - from before 2020.

I was surprised to learn courts were clogged with 1000s anti-vax cases & fines (many ppl losing homes) in Leicester, England, in 1892, for refusing the smallpox vaccine. What happened was 1870s Leicester were smallpox-jabbed & many ppl died from the jab, then the wave of smallpox arrived and IT DID NOT PROTECT THEM. So, 20 yrs later 1892 when another wave of smallpox arrived, THE PPL OF LEICESTER REFUSED THE JAB and the outcome was: Leicester: 1 smallpox death Surrounding counties: loads of deaths.

(See also Vernon Coleman book 'Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe and Effective is Lying').

The ppl of Leicester relied on isolating the sick WITH SYMPTOMS and on improved sanitation.

One 'interesting' point is that the authorities back then seem just like the ones today going all authoritarian (drs and courts), and many ppl lost their homes from the prosecutions, but in the end the courts were overwhelmed. Hard to understand how the ppl accepted this abuse back then - I thought it was just modern day Brits who are this sheep-like unthinking. Note how this episode from history has been 'forgotten'.

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