Like Minded Sovereigns showing support is Great, Now Lets MAKE it Amazing .the Solution !

2 years ago

ALERT -Regarding the MOU from Canada Unity and the Convoy

They call it an MOU and then say it is a Memorandum Of Agreement.

They should call it a Memorandum Of Understanding.
... And they do so in the PDF.

An MOU, to be legally binding, must be agreed upon by all involved parties.

How will they get the senate and the Governor General to agree to this MOU?

It is a mystery! So, the People who are destroying the economy, pushing poison to murder people are going to STOP. If they Do, they all will be held accountable for murder, treason, and numerous other crimes. THEY will just ignore this. Again, it will have to be Sovereigns, who will have to ratify a constitution, and remove this fake corrupt system. The Criminals will never stop until we STOP THEM.

This is where Constitutional Conventions have a lawful plan, to do this, and yes, the criminals will do everything in their power, to stop us,

So NOW is the Time to USE THE COVOY as a mechanism of bringing likeminded sovereigns to EDUCATE THE SOLUTION rather than wasting this amazing opportunity on again another futile distraction .

Only then will this Convoy will have any chance of creating REAL Change, The Leaders or organizer -- or organizers and their front-end Speakers have been committed to their personal agenda not fully transparent to the sovereigns that there is a VIABLE SOLUTION! This is either EGO, or self-interest, possible financial gain as many of these so-called freedom fighter groups have been sucking sovereigns' cash and diverting them from m the Solution.

All these groups have refused to mention or educate Constitutional Conventions. WHY? Are these groups gate keepers, controlled opposition, drifters, you decide!

The Parliament is sovereign within the limits of the powers he is vested with by the BNA Act prior to 1931.

The many legislatures are sovereign within the powers they are vested with by the BNA Act prior to 1931.

And now, Pat King and company think they can shove this MOU down their throats?

The effort of the millions of sovereigns coming out to unite is powerful. If ONLY WE COULD get SOME REAL SPEAKERS at the rallies, and the Truck Divers and all involved in the convoy to start educating the Solution rather than the media whores that have always been self-appointed or rather selected to promote their agenda and ensure the SOLUTION IS NEVER HEARD, LET THAT SINK IN!

... Nothing much can come out if this initiative! UNTIL ALL OF YOU START TO SPEAK AND EDUCATE CONTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS -

Keep regurgitating Bill of Rights and the Charter of Rights which both were designed to REMOVE YOUR RIGHTS! These are promoted by controlled Opposition to waste everyones time and your bank account !

Keep regurgitating, doctors on tour, vaccine poison, all good but again NO SOLUTION why is this?

Keep attacking the China wall with your fingernails!
Keep begging for donations on useless dead end regurgitate nonsense of courts, liability forms, and common law distractions. WHY you ask? for financial gain or are they gate keepers

They are ALL hurting the sovereigns and utterly useless.

Just go around it instead!

My EDUCATED argument remains the same:

The Statute of Westminster, December 11 1930, states clearly that all provinces of Canada have gained the right to declare themselves countries if the see it fit... Forcing the holding of federal/provincials meeting in order to allow a seamless transition from a federation to a confederation if the provinces so wish.

The many provincial prime ministers have refused to do so for the last 90 years! AS they all are part of the UN Agenda 21 plan for mass genocide!

All must have in mind that the federal government has been created for the welfare of the provinces, never to be their master.

By refusing the high treason act of 1982, the province of Quebec has, alone, actually maintained the Statute of Westminster in full force.

We still have somewhat of a chance here. This will rely ON YOU, Yes You to educate facts how we the sovereigns have the lawful right to choose our form of government and remove a de-facto dictatorship

The Choice is your!

Also, it is worth mentioning the Paris Treaty of February 10 1763 which seems to have been violated by a Declaratory Act in 1766.

I must add that that Quebec Sovereigns if educated could really help end this much faster if they educated the solution as they are and still an Independent nation

Your Quest is in your hands NOW to have freedom and liberty if you speak, educate the solution!

I Hope you choose wisely NOW!

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