How to cure astigmatism naturally

2 years ago

Double vision in most cases appears because of uneven overloading of eye muscles.
For example, a person was looking down at his phone, for a long time without rest. His lower and middle straight muscles got super tired.
How do we remove spasms and tension?
We relax nice and easy look up to the ceiling and try to feel how the upper rectus muscle of the eye is training and the lower rectus muscle stretches a little. We close our eyes and wait until the eye returns to the center and the muscles are balanced and relaxed, then blink very lightly.
We look to the left for about 10 seconds, then close our eyes and wait until the tension is gone and the eyes return to the center, then blink.
We look to the right for about 10 seconds, then close our eyes and wait until the eye returns to the center and blink.

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