Opinion Brief - 01.25.22 - Who are the Radicals, and what country are they trying to take back?

3 years ago

Topics: Who are the Radicals, and what country are they trying to take back? Both parties say that the other side are radicals who are destroying this country. Well, let's examine what the USA stands for and which party are the actual radicals.

Beware the 2022 Elections. Republicans are trending heavily and expected to take over the House and Senate. This is exactly how RINOS get in to office. Know who you are voting for. Don't be afraid to vote for a Conservative Independent (try to get out of the Political Party mentality).

Also, entertainers who we recently lost left a legacy of being good people first, and entertainers second. We should all follow in their footsteps and treat others with love and kindness so that when we exit this earth, people will remember how kind and loving we were.

#Radicals #TakeBackOurCountry #Republicans #Democrats #Independents #USConstitution #TheAmericanExperiment #PoliticalTalk #Podcast #BobSaget #BettyWhite #LouieAnderson #Meatloaf #MikeNesmith #BeKind #LoveOneAnother

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Opinion Brief is a new show featuring comments and opinions from Blabber Brains Show host Michael Kadrie based on current events, politics and pop culture.
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