A graphic video of #sheepdogs removing a wolf from a flock of sheep - viewer discretion is advised

3 years ago

The LORD has brought this wretched sinner a long way from his former false teachings of arminianism and dispensationalism (or leaky dispensationalism). And so, it grieves me to see how many professing confessional believers are truncating important doctrines from their confessions of faith.

We saw this demonstrated in how most elders and parishioners wrongfully handled the Covid controversy (here or here). We saw how many of them handled the most recent presidential election. We saw how many in the name of nationalism, either no longer believe in the doctrine of God’s Divine decree, or they lack the faith and courage to demonstrate it. Perhaps a majority of confessional elders and their churches became contra-confessional.

Recently a seemingly decent pastor uploaded a video that rightfully warns the church to resist tyranny, and how we should prepare for things to come. Though he is quick to mention God’s “providence” when things in America go well. He refuses to speak about how in His sovereignty, God decrees these things to come to pass. Recently I commented the following under a video of his.

“Because our nation has legislated sin & lawlessness from the highest levels of jurisprudence, and that most professing Christians have acquiesced to National sins i.e., abortion & homosexuality; because God is just, our Lord will justifiably decree this to come.”

Sadly, they removed my aforementioned comment. I posted it a second time, and they removed it again.

When seemingly sound pastors and/or Christians labor to have their best life now, while truncating the truth of a reason why we’re in this mess, and/or that we deserve God’s judgment, I will push back.

It’s that smorgasbord Christendom that says please pass the love, grace, and providence. But I don’t want His will, decrees, judgment, or persecution.

Loving and defending our God-given country is important, noble, and necessary. But if we put our patriotism, nationalism, or love for the country before our love for God, while having a high view of His Scriptures and Doctrine, then we are committing idolatry; because #DoctrineMatters.

The below videos are analogous of what should happen to wolves, or intentional contra confessional agitators when they infiltrate the church to either deceive or kill the sheep, and how the Elders or #Sheepdogs are to handle these wolves.

Though this driving-out the wolves is primarily the responsibility of the Elders (as I once was), it generally is the responsibility of every layperson (as I am now). And yes, in the secular realm, while defending ourselves or others, carnal weapons may be necessary (the handgun seen on the pulpit is mine).

If every professing Christian in America obeyed the Hapax Legomenon to earnestly contend for the faith (epagōnizomai), as the political activists contend for America; that would surely #MAGA! (Jude 3).

As the old adage says, “I may walk among the sheep, but make no mistake, I am the sheepdog!”

By God’s grace may we be Semper Reformanda, and Semper Fidelis ad Mortem.

My blog version with the hyperlinks can be seen here https://www.theexpositor.tv/blog/a-graphic-video-of-sheepdogs-removing-a-wolf-from-a-flock-of-sheep-viewer-discretion-is-advised/

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