Dr. Kheriaty: Threshold for what counts as a public health emergency was purposely never defined

3 years ago

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty's speech at Defeat the Mandates DC, January 23rd, 2022.

The threshold for what counts as a public health emergency was deliberately never defined. So this state of emergency continues indefinitely, with no end in sight. With vaccine mandates and vaccine passports, we're seeing the emergence of what I call a biosecurity surveillance regime. The welding of digital technologies, public health and police power are leading to unprecedented invasions on our privacy and intrusive methods of control.

Keep in mind that this pretext of public health and public safety historically has been used to pave the way even for totalitarian regimes. There's a cautionary tale from Germany, given the fact that Nazi Germany was governed for virtually the entirety of its existence under Article 48 of the Weimar constitution which allowed for suspension of German laws during time of emergency. Recall also the name of the group that carried out the infamous reign of terror during the French revolution. It was called the Committee on Public Safety.

As the great Soviet dissident, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn lamented: "If only we had stood together against the common threat, we could've easily defeated it. So why didn't we? We didn't love freedom enough. We hurried to submit. We submitted with pleasure. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterwards."

We will not go down that same path, my friends. That's why we're here. We will stand together, we will resist together, peacefully and non-violently, but with steadfast courage and without compromising, without giving another inch. God bless you all, thank you!


SOURCE: https://odysee.com/@rowanman28:0/Great-Speech-From-The-Stop-The-Mandates-Rally-January-2022:8

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