Roses for Herbal Use

2 years ago

Rose hip tea, aromatherapy oils and rose water - there's no shortage of herbal and culinary products made from rose flowers and hips. In this video, I aim to make a quick survey of the supposed herbal used of rose products, and recommend which kinds of roses would be good recommendations for growing and harvesting your own.

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Photo credits:

Rosehip Oil by Depositphotos

Rosa gallica officinalis by Col Ford and Natasha de Vere CC BY-SA 2.0

Rose Petal Tea by Marco Verch CC BY 2.0

Général Jacqueminot by by A. Barra CC BY-SA 3.0

Eugène Fürst by T. Kiya CC BY-SA 2.0

Mr. Lincoln by Roozitaa CC BY-SA 3.0

Rosa rubiginosa/eglanteria by Yoan Martin CC BY-SA 2.0 FR

Perfume factory by Dennis Jarvis CC BY-SA 2.0

Rosa alba by Ausis CC BY-SA 3.0

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