Mind of Adam

3 years ago

I was stuck in a hospital/nursing home while I worked on this short film, so I used what ever footage was available to me. I created this as a way to pitch the idea of "Mind of Adam" for a feature length film, mini-series, etc... there are many possibilities.

This was my first crack at a short-film. I never went to film school, just kinda started messing around with some Sony software and ran with it. Having been in a hospital/nursing home for the duration of the making of "Mind of Adam", I was limited in resources, especially when it came to creating and mixing the music. I was only able to use a headset for the mix, but I THINK it turned out OK. IDK... I might get a big surprise when I go home and play the video, and hear it through my studio speakers... lol.

A giant THANK YOU to Michael Albrecht for bailing me out. I'm on a Clinitron bed, because of bed sores. It is a VERY loud bed, so... with that, the AC unit, all around pa noise and ambiance of the nursing home, it was impossible for me to record myself for the narration. Michael stepped in and did a FANTASTIC job! Truth be told... much better than I would have, so... thanks, Mike. :)

Clearly, to turn "Mind of Adam" into a Summer block-buster film, it'll take a large budget, excellent writers and some really creative special fx folks. If you like the concept, and have connections to a Hollywood type studio, with a large budget, feel free to get in touch with me. Simply email me at: attiladomos@yahoo.com, and be sure to put "Mind of Adam" into the subject line.

Incidentally... I composed and recorded all of the music, except for Parts 1 & 2. I found them at "Video Blocks". When I first started to work on this film, I was going to use music already created by someone else. So... I'd already created the first two parts of "Mind of Adam", before I downloaded a music software. I thought the first two tunes matched the movie pretty well, so I didn't bother re-doing those scenes. The rest... it's all me.

Thanks for watching - Attila

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