The Weekly Energy Foresight for January 24-30, 2022

3 years ago

Tarot Deck: Shadowscapes

by: Stephanie Pui-Mun Law and Barbara Moore

Oracle Deck:

Angels (not sure)

by: pretty sure it is by Hay House

January 24-30, 2022

Two Of Pentacles

This week you may find yourself having to juggle a few things in order to create the balance you crave.

A lot of times this is a work vs life thing, but it may be something else such as multiple opportunities, needing to be in two places at once, etc.

Whatever it happens to be know that you have everything you need to put things back into perfect harmony.

Remember to ask for help if you need it, saying no is truly acceptable, boundaries are needed, and taking time for self-care is not selfish - you've got this!

Mid-Week ~ 24-27


End-Week ~ 27-30



24 - National Compliment Day

- National Peanut Butter Day

- International Day of Education

25 - Plan For Vacation Day

- National Opposite Day

- National Irish Coffee Day

- 🌗 Last Quarter Moon

26 - National Green Juice Day

- National Spouses Day

- Library Selfie Day

- International Customs Day

27 - National Chocolate Cake Day

- International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust

28 - National Kazoo Day

- National Have Fun at Work Day

- Data Privacy Day

- Global Community Engagement Day

29 - National Puzzle Day

- Venus Retrograde Ends

30 - National Croissant Day


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