The Venus We Don't Know - [10 Facts We Don't Know About Venus]

3 years ago

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The Venus we don't know or 10 Facts We Don't Know About Venus.

Throughout history, Venus has been one of the most studied celestial body. Since Venus is visible to a naked eye, it has even been mentioned in Babylonian cuneiform texts. In order to understand the planet, 40 unmanned spacecrafts have been sent to Venus From 1961 to 2020. Many of these spacecrafts were able to send the data related to Venus back to earth. however in 1989, NASA's Magellan mission to Venus was one of the most successful of all. Magellan imaged the entire surface of Venus and sent some valuable data about Venus back to Earth, however, Magellan burnt out in 10 hours after it entered the Venusian atmosphere.

There are some of the facts about Venus which are known by most of us. For Example, Number 1, Venus is the second brightest object in the night sky after moon. Number 2, Venus stands second to the sun after mercury. Number 3,Venus can be even seen in broad daylight. Number 4,Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty. And Number 5, Venus is the nearest planet to the earth. But Today, we are going to go beyond these facts. we will explore 10 unknown facts about the Venus that we didn't knew before.

1. Venusian volcanoes.
Venus is packed with volcanoes, in fact there is no other planet in our solar system which has as many volcanoes as Venus. It is estimated that there are almost 1,600 volcanoes on Venusian surface, and some of them are active. The largest volcano of Venus is "Maat Mons" which is 5 miles high!

2. Venusian day is longer than a year.
It takes 243 earth days for Venus to make one rotation, while as it takes 224.7 earth days for Venus to revolve around the sun. In other words it means that a Venusian day is longer than a Venusian year. Strange but true.

3. More Like Earth.
Venus is more like Earth than any other planet in our solar system. Both earth and Venus have almost the same size, they match in composition, their orbit is also close to each other, their surfaces are comparatively fresher than other planets in our solar system, both of the planets have thicker surface. The only difference is that the Venusian clouds are composed sulfuric acid.

4. Venus is an inferno.
Since most of the Venusian atmosphere is composed of carbon dioxide, its surface temperature goes as high as 470 degree Celsius. The temperature is hot enough to melt even the lead. Another strange fact about Venus' temperature is that it is hotter than mercury which is closest to the sun.

5. Venusian Atmospheric pressure.
Venusian atmospheric pressure is 90 times higher than earth. The atmosphere on the Venus is so thick that several spacecrafts send from earth failed to enter it until Magellan spacecraft finally landed on its surface.

6. Venus Transits between earth and sun .
On rare occasions, Venus transits in front of the sun and we can see it passing. The last time it happened was June 6 in 2012. If you have missed that event, then you have to wait until 10 December 2117 to see that incredible event again.

7. Venus, the brightest planet in a night sky.
Venus is the closest planet to earth. Furthermore, Venus' thick clouds reflect most of the sunlight back into the space, that makes Venus the brightest planet in the night sky. Sometimes Venus seems so bright that it appears to be a plane or a UFO. At times Venus can be so bright that it can cast a shadow.

8. Venusian Winds
From earth Venus might look a ball covered with static clouds but actually those clouds are moving fast with Venusian wind. Wind speeds on Venus reach almost 724 kilometers per hour which out-shines all the winds on Earth.

9. Venus is Upside Down with a weird spin.
Venus is known to be upside down planet with a weird anti-clockwise spin. Somewhere back in time Venus was knocked out from its upright position by a colliding celestial body which caused its weird spin and axis.

10. Venus is moonless.
Venus and mercury are the only 2 planets in our solar system who do not have any moon. According to the a study, Venus had a moon, which was sucked into itself millions of years back.

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