New Science Helps Children Read

3 years ago

My kids struggled to learn to read (come to find out that's fairly common)...and quite frankly they had no desire to try harder...I felt like an utter failure as a parent 😔 Fast forward 6 months and they get mad when I tell them it's bed time because their head's are buried in a book?! What?! Whose... kids
are these? Well come to find out, it had nothing to do with my parenting skills (phew) and more to do with the way different children learn (their unique modalities), which I learned from the Reading Head Start. They went from reading below their grade level to 3 grades less then 3 months!?
Not only can they read (and genuinely love reading) but it gave them a new appreciation for school and their confidence has sky rocketed! If any parents are like me and my kids, maybe this program can help you too🤗👇


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