Deception of the NWO P2 Alchemy & The Rise of The Beast Image

3 years ago

Age of Deceit 2 Alchemy & The Rise of The Beast Image Gonz Shimura Face Like The Sun

-Rise of Technology, The Occult Arts, Alchemy, Hive Mind and so much more. The Bible is MORE RELEVANT today and Bible Prophecy has ever been. With each passing day the Tribulation that will come upon the whole world is building up to The Beast Kingdom. But good news, we see his end... fast and furious. For the believer in Jesus Christ.

"Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth. " [Revelation 3:10]

Many believe Alchemy is merely a false science with the hopes to transmute base metals into gold. In reality, alchemy is an occult metaphor for transforming the human being from our current fallen state into a godlike ascended state. Such desires to discover the elixir of life, known as the philosophers stone, that would give man longevity, and the return to our glorified state of being has been part of mythological lure for centuries.

But with the advent of the scientific and technological advancement in our day, these occult dreams founded in the alchemical philosophy are now being fulfilled. The Bible seems to speak of a day when the false prophet, through the lies of Satan would create an Image that will have breath and speak, causing the world to worship the image, and take it’s mark, or else be killed.

Is it possible that these future events spoken about in Revelation 13, are in fact unfolding right before our eyes? Does Artificial Intelligence, a hope for a singularity, and the advent of transhumanism, all play a role in the grand deception that will enslave humanity through the lie that the Mark of the Beast is actually the Philosophers Stone? Despite the dark projection of our future, there is a solid foundation where true hope, true light, true peace, and true freedom can be found. It comes in the most polarizing and controversial message known to man in the last two millennia.

Its claims are significant and overwhelming but its implications are vast and eternal. It is the message that claims it comes from outside of space and time from an entity that claims it created the universe we live in. It is a message that has authenticated itself by writing history before it happens. It is a message that has been given to us which speaks into the very core of who we are as people living on this planet.

It is the message found in the life of a man named Yeshua.

If you have not accepted Yeshua as your personal savior, that’s OK. There are more barriers today trying to keep you from this message than ever before. But I would encourage everyone to investigate the truth claims about this man as well as the documents that have been handed down which give us record of his teachings, his actions, and his purpose.

The documents I speak about are a collection of 66 ancient scrolls penned by over 40 authors which span over 1500 years, three languages, and various cultures, classes and social settings. Yet, we find that it is consistent, and tells about the nature of man, as well as historical events we have seen and can expect to see.

Amazingly, this highly criticized collection of documents spoke about this totalitarian political, economic, and spiritual government thousands of years ago. And what we see unfolding right before our eyes is the playing out of these prophetic revelations. Investigate and come to your own conclusions, but we here at Canary Cry Radio are confident that if you honestly seek truth philosophically, historically, existentially, scientifically, and most importantly, spiritually, you will find yourself at the feet of a man Yeshua.

And through this man, we are confident that you will find true peace, true joy and true freedom.

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