#8 | 9 questions to Cristian Terheș, the leader of the opposition against green certificates in EU.

3 years ago

Cristian Terheș is a Romanian politician currently serving as a Member of the European Parliament for Christian Democratic National Peasants' Party.

He is interviewed by Andreas Sidkvist, the leader of the new Swedish party MoD (Human rights and Democracy). https://partietmod.se

1. Why are you so engaged in these topics?(human rights and freedom of choice against vaccine passports and mandatory vaccination)

2. Are there more politicians that are getting engaged in the movement against green certificates in EU?

3. You showed one of the contracts with Moderna that was all blacked out, have you seen the actual contract since then?

4. Do you have any advice to give to people and political movements around the world and Europe on how to stop this?

5. Why do you think we have come to this situation?

6. What do you think about the reports from doctors and experts saying that there are magnetic or metallic materials that should not be in the vaccine?

7. How can we support you and your colleagues fighting for freedom?

8. What you you think about the censorship that we are facing right now when critical voices are banned from Facebook, Youtube Twitter and so on?

9. How do you think this will end?

Find more interviews (mainly in Swedish) at www.nedkavlat.se

You can also see the interview here:



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