10 Awesome Techniques to Become a Skilled Driver

3 years ago

How to drive a car like a pro? You probably feel like you could learn some more driving hacks to become a better driver and make driving an even better experience. Take a look at ten awesome driving tips we have put together to make your driving safer!

Take a defensive driving course 0:51
Brake with your left foot 1:55
Move at the same speed as the other vehicles 2:41
Keep your hands on the wheel at the proper position 3:14
Control understeering and oversteering 3:54
Park precisely 4:41
Use the handbrake to perform a handbrake turn 5:26
Use heel-toe downshifting 6:11
Pay attention to cars in the distance 6:44
Adjust the mirrors to eliminate blind spots 7:18

- The best thing about defensive driving courses is that you can take them online, and they only cost around $30 but will save you much more money. How? Taking a state and court approved course can be the reason for traffic ticket dismissal. It will also help you save up to 10% on car insurance and take violation points off your driving record.
- Breaking with their left foot, they don’t have to waste precious fractions of a second while moving the right foot to the brake pedal. Left-foot braking also lets them use the brake and the gas at the same time. It is a difficult technique that requires regular practice, but it is worth it, even if you don’t plan to become an auto racer.
- Driving at a speed that is lower or higher than the speed of other traffic is dangerous as it can cause accidents. That’s why when choosing your speed; you should first take into account traffic density.
- The new recommended position is also the most ergonomic position to hold your hands in for a long period of time. Relaxed muscles and better control over your car. This trick will, of course, make your driving a better experience.
- If you’re driving on a wet or icy road, don’t accelerate too much. Driving at a moderate speed will help you avoid most cases of understeering or oversteering. This will help you stay out of trouble and traffic accidents.
- Why is parallel parking so important and it is so time-consuming and confusing? If you can parallel park perfectly, you won’t be afraid of crowded parking lots. Also, you will be more confident when driving a car in reverse. When you master it, you will be able to park any vehicle in a matter of seconds.
- The racer locks up the rear wheels, slows the car and points it in the right direction without losing speed he cares so much about. Again, this trick is not only good for racers, and it can help you in an emergency. It can also be handy if you have to perform a sharp, fast turn in winter.
- The sense of this technique consists in shifting the transmission down from a higher gear to a lower one by hitting the gas pedal with your heel and braking with your toe at the same time. It reduces the time required for shifting gears, prevents the unloading of rear wheels, and allows fast and smooth downshifting before turning.
- What do you normally look at while moving in heavy traffic? Most definitely, your nearest surroundings. It is, of course, important for your safety, but one trick you should learn is to look ahead, too. See, if you notice brake lights a quarter mile ahead of you, it can save you some valuable seconds, enough to stop your car and not get in an accident.
- Being an experienced driver is first of all about driving safely. You can’t do it if your side mirrors are not properly adjusted. If the side mirrors mostly reflect the flanks of your car, it means that you are not making proper use of the whole reflecting surfaces.

We are sure if you use these awesome techniques, it will take your driving experience to a whole new level. If you found this video useful, make sure to like it and share it with your friends. They also deserve to know how to drive like a pro.

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