3 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on vaxx safety.

Even the left-wingers are finally coming around to the inherent dangers of the COVID vaxxes.

A few days ago, former New York Times reporter Bari Weiss appeared on a talk show and ranted that she’s done with being afraid of COVID.


This evening, a new study issued by MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff and others, shows that safety data on COVID mRNA vaccines fails to show sufficient benefits to outweigh the strong signals for unprecedented risks. It also asserts that mandates for these investigational – that is experimental - treatments cannot be justified and should immediately be terminated and/or resisted by the public.

According to Dr. Bose Ravenel, MD, FAAP, a retired professor of pediatrics with 49 years of practice, who reviewed a preprint of the new study:

“Especially for the current Omicron variant where effective early treatment is available, it is unconscionable and should be considered malpractice to give any child one of these vaccines.”

Dr. Ravenel, who is my closest personal medical advisor, believes that this is THE most important study which has been issued since the COVID-19 pandemic began. I also urge you to read the study in full if you have any trouble believing the shocking claims in our report, at: quadruplexes _exosomes_and_microRNAs

The study says that the human biological response to the mRNA vaccination may actually weaken the ability of the human immune system to fight off cancers.

“We anticipate that implementation of booster vaccinations on a wide scale will make all of these problems only more acute, and it will serve to further erode antiviral immune competence and innate cancer surveillance and protection for the global population subjected to these repeated boosters.”

The study finds that even the claim that the vaxx reduces severity of disease is now coming into doubt. These new conclusions come from data from the most vaccinated nation in the world, Israel.

“Regarding symptom severity, even this aspect is beginning to be in doubt, as demonstrated by an outbreak in an Israeli hospital that led to the death of five fully vaccinated hospital patients. Similarly, Brosh-Nissimov (2021) reported that 34/152 (22%) of fully vaccinated patients among 17 Israeli hospitals died of COVID-19.

“The increasing evidence that the vaccines do little to control disease spread and that their effectiveness wanes over time make it even more imperative to assess the degree to which the vaccines might cause harm.”

The study also found that the mRNA vaxx may damage the two primary ways our body protects itself against disease, the immune system and the DNA repair system.

“Loss of function of key DNA repair proteins leads to defects in repair that inhibit the production of functional B and T cells, resulting in immunodeficiency. Impaired DNA repair is also a direct pathway towards cancer.”

According to the study, multiple case reports have shown that shortly after the mRNA vaxx for COVID-19, degeneration of the optic nerve has been discovered, which can result in severe, irreversible visual loss. In one study:

“… 7 patients, ages ranging from 24 to 64, present[ed] with demyelinating [eye] disease within 21 days of a first or second mRNA vaccination.”

The study also took a look at the accuracy of the Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). According to the CDC, VAERS is:

“… especially useful for detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse event reporting that might indicate a possible safety problem with a vaccine.”

A much-cited Harvard study found that less than 1% of adverse events are reported to VAERS. However,

“Rose (2021) published a much more sophisticated analysis of VAERS data to offer an estimate of underreporting by a factor of 31.”

Still, for every one adverse event reported the newer sophisticated study still showed that actual negative impact of the COVID vaxxes may be 31 times greater than has been reported!!

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