Pudno a Gayyem | Sonny TV 4

3 years ago

Pudno a Gayyem | Sonny TV 4

# I would like to acknowledge The Wathtower Society of
Pensylvania, USA, the sole owner of the LYRICS and MUSIC background of this video.

#Likewise to Pexel.com for the Video Background.

Music is medicine to our soul, but....
A. Why So Many People in Their Late 40s Have Chronic Health Issues
1. Researchers say people in their late 40s are increasingly having to deal with chronic health issues such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.
2. Experts say inflammation and insulin resistance brought on by aging, stress, and diet are two main factors.
3. They recommend people eat a well-balanced diet, exercise regularly, and reduce stress.

B. Of the nearly 8,000 recently surveyed by University College London, 34 percent said they have two or more chronic health issues, such as high blood pressure and mental health concerns, according to the medical journal BMC Public HealthTrusted Source.

C. The most common issue (26 percent) was high-risk alcohol consumption, followed by recurrent back problems (21 percent), mental health concerns (19 percent), and high blood pressure (16 percent). Other issues included arthritis, type 2 diabetes, asthma, and bronchitis.

D. Experts say it’s not just a British thing, however. The United States is still culturally related to Great Britain, and doctors say they’re seeing some of the same issues there.

E. “By way of perspective, until a few hundred years ago, most people died by the time they were 45 years old,” said Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, an author and internal medicine specialist in Maryland who specializes in chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

F. While listening to Our Kingdom Song and at least comforted with the message of the song. I am sharing you a REFRESHING DRINK that can help to maintain our energy and eradicate most of our health problems that we are experiencing at age 40 and above.

Click the link below for more details
# https://bit.ly/3Kxe0wA

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