GOD Is NOT Mocked - HE Will NOT Be Cast Aside

3 years ago

I have been writing what the Holy Spirit has been speaking to my heart for quite some time & don't always share what He's been speaking because much of what He has shared with me has been for myself & certain individuals. Once in a great while I will share what the Spirit of the LORD directs me to share with you all. I believe that is about to amp up & I will be be sharing more.

This is ONE of the heaviest words I have received..NOT words of Condemnation, but a CALL TO REPENTANCE! GOD Is NOT Mocked, HE Will NOT Allow HIS Word, HIS Precepts, HIS Righteous Laws and Directives to be Cast Aside..Not without HIS Justice! Amen..

(Romans 8:28: Galatians 6:7; Romans 3:4, 20-21)

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