CONVENTION of STATES Block Biden EO'S- wait until Trump returns? Or ally with our Red St. AGs NOW!

2 years ago

CONVENTION of STATES Block Biden EO'S- wait until Trump returns? Or ally with our Red St. AGs NOW!

InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report
Published on Mar 6, 2021

ARTICLE TEN & THE CONVENTION OF STATES : CALL YOUR STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL everyday next week, CALL YOUR GOVERNORS IN ALL RED STATES! Tell them you demand that they protect your jobs, your borders, your safe communities etc. That you demand that your child is protected from "sex education" from gender confusing, transgressive-Marxists in schools (to sue the provisions of the Democrat Equality Act) etc. Tell them that you want a stout constitutional defense forged with other states to defend you & your family from this Hellbent, Communist Regime in Washington DC.

BTW it is President Trump has said he will run again in 2024 and help us win back the House and Senate in 2022 - NOT INSPONEWS! Those are his words not mine. We are simply reporting that fact and what we can do now to prevent a takeover until that event.

Certain News networks have been again, preying on peoples good motives and wishes for a free & safe America, Folks - we can't live in the future hoping that spin and smooth, lip popping high end, used car salesmen online theories are right. This silver tongued wordsmiths always spinning us into a FUTURE event. No. We need to ACT NOW!

This does NOT mean forming a new nation or changing our beloved constitution. Rather it will be a coordinated legal effort to resist and coordinate efforts by Red State AGs and Governors to delay, stop or reverse unconstitutional Biden administration edicts and new laws from the Democrat Socialist congress which seek to destroy our great nation.

Razor wire & reluctant National Guard troops protect an illegitimate DC Regime that just allocated $60 Billion for "contact tracing" (i.e. CCP styled surveillance) system as part of $1.9 trillion Blue State machine "STIMULUS" package. Plenty of money was also was allocated to perpetuate the fraudulent election process in blue states - illegal aliens now have the right to vote now (soon 30 million of them) - the nightmare continues on multiple fronts while weak GOP sissies refuse to understand they are at WAR against Communists who have already seized power.


The New Republic of Constitutionalist States rises from the ashes of a tyrannical, Marxist, SURVEILLANCE STATE in Washington D.C. Donald Trump promises to return with real patriot leaders to help win the midterm elections and another run at it in 2024 but keep in mind the stark reality that NOT ONE Deep State bad actor was ever prosecuted arrested or imprisoned under a weak Trump administration and FBI while THOUSANDS of God fearing,


No more compromising, CONSENSUS leadership for our Whitehouse. We need brave conservative MAVERICKS who do not care who they offend and like other great leaders listen to THE VOICE. WE need spirtual and political John the Baptists. We the people find ourselves now defending ourselves against Trump administration appointees who also allowed the steal of an election. What gives? Constitution loving TRUMP PATRIOTS have already been arrested by President Trumps' very own choice for FBI - globalist, SES tyrant, FBI DIRECTOR CHRISTOPHER WRAY.

What gives America? We support the President but for heaven's sake, President Trump has some explaining to do. Forget rousing speeches and Steve Miller platitudes for rallies, Where's the beef? Why was the Swamp never drained? Under Trump, why was the Swamp hired to "drain the swamp?"


IN THE MEANTIME GOP GOVERNORS & AG"s will block & delay the illegal and unconstitutional EOs (Executive Orders) of the Biden-Kamala Reich Administration. These treasonous and damaging EO's which are not based on LAW as enacted by our Congress - unless of course traitors and leftist activist on the Supreme Court continue to pull upon the judicial machinations of disappointing "John Roberts moderates" (like Amy Corney Barrett & Beer Boy Brett) reinforce the treason of the Democrat anti-constitutionalists Marxists.

But the FOUNDING FATHERS were both brave and wise. Within our beloved US Constitution these God fearing men left us many checks and balances against tyranny. One of those involves the CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS of the State - our Red State Governors, Attorney Generals & yes even our duly elected SHERIFFS.

May God preserve us all from their diabolical, George Soros, Bill Gates, Marxist REPLACEMENT doctrine, Open Society, open borders and give us leaders who will STOP THIS INVASION and destruction of our America. .

God bless all of you. God save America!

Freddy Cardella


Federico Cardella
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