English Budgie _ The most beautiful couple English Budgie

3 years ago

English Budgie 🐦
The most beautiful couple English Budgie 🐦
*The English budgie (Melopsittacus undulatus) is a variation of the native English Budgerigar that was born into existence by selective breeding in England during the 19th & early 20th century. These birds are native to Australia. The budgie or parakeet is often thought of as a beginner bird however, this social, friendly little bird deserves just as much care and consideration as larger parrots. They are one of the most popular pet. Budgies are funny, food lovers, and can match any parrot in terms of communicating ability. This bird is endemic to many interior areas of Australia.
بادجي انجليزي
بادجي انجليزي
بادجي انجليزي رينبو
أجمل كوبل بادجي إنقليزي 🐦
عالم الطيور الزينة 🦜
هذه القناة تقدم لكم أحدث الفيديوهات في مجال طيور الزينة 🐦
world of Ornamental Birds 🦜
Monde des Oiseaux d'ornement
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أفضل طيور البادجي
#بادجي_ انجليزي
#perruche_ anglaise
#english_ budgie
#WorldBirds9 🐦
The location of the film is Tunisia 🇹🇳
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