Dr. ANDREAS NOVAK - Carbon Specialist Testifies C0V contains Carbon that acts as NANO RAZORBLADES

3 years ago

Finally, an actual PhD doctorate expert blows the lid on the graphene hydroxide in the vaxx - knock yourself out, share it you think it's relevant, handle the disbelievers: Dr. Novak (a carbon specialist) has an interesting video on the v from a chemist point of view - captions in EN. unfortunately he seems to have died under strange circumstances.. Dr. Noack….

They killed him. He died a few days ago, his pregnant wife said by energy weapons. Sounds crazy. He fell sick a few hours after uploading the video and died that night…

They claimed he died of a heart attack and he did but it was induced by the satanic government, here are a few links to prove how they can kill you with weapons from guns to sonic weapons to frequency modulations causing your heart to beat out of synchronicity causing heart muscle fatigue and damage leading to ruptured blood vessels that cannot be repaired leading over time in the development of a heart attack. this people are very evil and cunning.

The CIA's Secret Heart Attack Gun: https://www.military.com/video/guns/pistols/cias-secret-heart-attack-gun/2555371072001

Moscow's Remote-Controlled Heart Attacks: https://www.military.com/defensetech/2006/02/14/moscows-remote-controlled-heart-attacks

Radio Frequency (RF) Weapons: https://www.encyclopedia.com/politics/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/radio-frequency-rf-weapons

High Frequency–Induced Upregulation of Human Cardiac Calcium Currents: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/01.cir.93.1.120

Occupational Exposure to Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields and Mortality from Cardiovascular Disease: https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/158/6/534/99386

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