The Myth of Neutrality (Greg Bahnsen)

3 years ago

Part 1. Basic Training Series: Defending the Faith. Watch and learn as the late Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen teaches you how to think as a Christian. God didn't call us to be secret agents; He demands our minds, as well as our hearts, and expects us to be able to give a reasonable defense for the hope that is in us (1 Peter 3:15). Dr. Bahnsen reveals that our job as Christian apologists is not to change unbelieving hearts, but to simply close the mouth of the unbeliever. This 5-part video series will show you how.

Tags: Greg, Bahnsen, Apologetics, Myth, Neutrality, Presuppositional, Presuppositionalism, Cornelius, Van, Til, Transcendental, Argument, God, Philosophy, Christianity, Atheism, Theism

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