Shower Wall Panel Installation

3 years ago

How to install an Allen and Roth platform shower system. It has 9 pieces that go together sideways with tongue and groove. They will need to be cut down particularly because this is a mobile home bathroom.

You can use a razor knife to cut the shower down, but after a test cut, we used a skill saw. The reason we are doing the shower/tub surround a bit different is we are putting an antique clawfoot tub into this mobile home. You get to learn and see that it can be done.

You will seal everywhere, top, bottom, and foam for the plumbing.

00:00 Follow along with a handyman
00:25 Allen and Roth Shower System
00:40 Is tongue-and-groove shower system simple to cut?
00:54 First look at the shower kit
01:30 Looks like you're putting it up with double stick tape
02:06 Checking the directions
02:30 Nine pieces that will need to be cut down esp. on mobile home
02:55 Take a look at what the panels look like
03:10 Looks like they are putting it together like a floor
03:35 Numbered on the back side
04:00 There's number one
04:15 Measure your width
04:32 After checking instructions you can cut with a razor knife
04:45 He's using a skill saw and cutting the front
05:00 He's test cutting to make sure not to damage the material
05:10 Not bad so here we go
05:40 Cuts easily
06:00 Turn it over, supposed to be divided into 4 sections
07:00 Not doing the shower pan, looking at the instructions
07:15 If you need to sit on top of a bathtub, you need to sit on the lip
07:50 Make sure and follow your instruction if you're doing it differently
08:20 Where we are at on the instructions
08:35 Tape instructions for your sections
09:00 Using a drywall trick to speed up your marking
09:35 Your tape-line it on the marks you've made
10:00 It's easy to cut
10:15 You'll want to make sure everything is pushed down on the one side
10:45 Using liquid nails
11:10 Don't want to get within an inch of the lap
13:05 Placing the panel--kind of tricky get back off the tape
13:55 Using a razor knife, because no nails
14:05 Clay is running his finger in front of where he's pulling and that seems to be working
14:18 Last one
14:35 Did he cut it right? Installing the first piece
15:20 Want to rub your hand over the whole panel to make sure everything sticks
15:45 We're putting an antique cast iron tub into this mobile home. So, need to do it a bit different.
16:30 Installing the second panel
18:12 Panel three
18:45 It's really easy to install, just about anyone could do it
19:25 Why there's a gap at the top
19:55 This is going to be a cast iron claw foot tub in a mobile home-not normal
20:05 Putting in isn't how you are meant to do this kit
20:40 Doing sides, won't be cutting it because want it out as far as possible
21:35 Make your marks, add your tape and liquid nails
22:30 How to get your tape backing off
23:10 After Images
23:20 Be an American not an American't

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