6 Mega Banks Which May "Bail You In" | G20 Bank Bail-In Laws

3 years ago

They will be Decimating the dollar and traditional banking systems. Turning to a digital system.

Banks are in a precarious spot right now.
Banks are complaining that they cannot get employees and they are in serious need of help.
The last time our economy took a dive the bags for bailed out by the government.
That will not happen this time because the banks will be bailed out by the depositors.
This is called a bail in.

G20 - (n) the world’s largest 19 national economies, including the USA, and the European Union together, a group of 20.
there are representatives of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. The G20 finance ministers and central bank governors began meeting in 1999,
at the suggestion of the G7 finance ministers in response to the financial crisis in the 1990s.

Bailin - (v/n) restructuring of a financial institution on the brink of failure, by forcing its creditors and unsecured depositors to take losses on their holdings.
It often gets regarded as a rescue of last resort to help a troubled financial institution's ability to attract future business.
A bail-in is different from a bail-out,
which involves the rescue of a financial institution typically by government credit extensions into the failing private sector.

Why Bank Bail-Ins Will Be the New Bailouts


H.R.4173 - Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act


'Legalized' G20 Bank Bail-In Laws


New Financial Crisis Laws: Bank Bail-ins, Money Market Freeze


Can banks legally confiscate your deposits without your permission?


Bank deposit Bail In law is biggest threat to average USA


New G20 Rules: Cyprus-style Bail-ins to Hit Depositors AND AND Pensioners


Resolving Globally Active, Systemically Important,
Financial Institutions


More than 4,000 bank branches in the UK have closed in the past six years as lenders increase digital services for customers


So… if a large bank fails in the US, the FDIC steps in and takes over, replacing management,
and works to shrink the bank by writing-down liabilities and converting debt into equity.
In other words…
any liability at the bank is in danger of being written-down should the bank fail.
And guess what?
Deposits are considered liabilities according to US Banking Law and depositors are creditors.

Huntington Bancshares, Wells Fargo, Sierra Bancorp all announced branch closures in the past few days in Ohio, Philadelphia and California respectively.

More than 4,000 bank branches in the UK have closed in the past six years as lenders increase digital services for customers, said S&P Global Market Intelligence, citing data from UK consumer advocacy group Which.

In 2020, 368 bank branches alone shut down in the UK, led by Barclays which closed 105.

Already in 2021, TSB Bank plans to close 155 branches, Santander UK will shutter 111, HSBC Holdings, 82 and Barclays, 63.

Low interest rates have also squeezed banks’ net interest margins, prompting them to cut operational costs elsewhere, S&P noted.

The move toward expanded digital services, pressures arising from the pandemic and a desire to cut costs has led to thousands of bank branches to close on both sides of the Atlantic, a pattern that seems irreversible to many observers.


Bank Bail-in Laws
Since the end of 2014, new G20 Bank Bail-In Laws have been signed and put into supra-national law.

Average bank depositors are now legally treated as unsecured creditors even in the largest economies of the world.



US Banks Closed Record Number of Branches


3 Major Banks Plan More Branch Closings As Thousands Shutter—In U.S. And U.K.—Amid Cov, Digital Growth




EXCLUSIVE-IMF, 10 countries simulate cyber attack on global financial system


Banks close record number of branches in 2021


U.S. banks close nearly 4K branches in 2021,


The New Banking Crisis — In Two Frightening Graphs


New Financial Crisis Laws: Bank Bail-ins, Money Market Freeze


Most people are too busy with their day to day lives to know about the real G20 Bank Bail-In threat to their potential big bank saving.

These supranational financial laws have been on the books established in late 2014. Additional Bank Bail-In info:

original link by SD Bullion


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