Low Fat Raw Vegan Sweet & Spicy Mango Noodles Recipe

3 years ago

In order to stay raw I choose to enjoy the foods I like, because it is not a punishment to eat a raw living foods diet. It is a blessing and a gift to have the knowledge, skill, intention and understanding to execute a regenerative detoxification lifestyle.

Energy is a precious resource and coming from my state of systemic acidosis, my body requires all of the energy I can get. Fruits and veg contain valuable vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and phytochemicals that aid in nutrient absorption and transport.

I honestly prefer these raw noodles over cooked noodles. My body cannot tolerate salt or high fat, which means I truly appreciate the clean flavor that comes from sunfired, natural, unprocessed raw living foods. I ask myself before doing anything in my life, especially when it comes to eating chemistry: Does this support my flow? Or will this suppress my flow? When there is no obstruction to the flow of energy "dis-ease" cannot exist in the body.

With that said, my bladder is weak and after eating this six pound bowl of fruits and veg I have to pee several times an hour for the next 4-5 hours. If I eat it for dinner at 6 PM I usually go to sleep around 11 PM and only have to get up once or twice during the night, because I empty my bladder in the hours before bed. I also go in my steam sauna every night before I shower, so that helps. I do NOT eat vegetables when I have to be commuting, stuck in a car, road tripping, or otherwise preoccupied at an event. I dislike the feeling of urgency from the need to urinate - so I keep it fruity on days I have things to do. This is a neurological case's cheat meal.

During the mango season here in LA we can get mangos starting in about March/April through September/October. And usually I have extra frozen mango puddings in my fridge. This year we ate thousands of mangoes and went through my freezer puddings during the season, lol. I wanted to figure out a way to enjoy mangoes year round, and that means buying organic frozen mango chunks and leaving them in a container in the fridge the night before I want to use them. Mangos have a unique quality about them where they are fatty and creamy - even the frozen ones.

Use a small about of habanero and suss out your needs. I prefer the slightest bit of heat from the habanero, because it is a sweet hot pepper. We aren't trying to create more mucus for you to eliminate here!

If your body can tolerate the tougher cellulose you can add sweet mini bell peppers...I love them but they irritate my gi tract. This is a nice combo for me to enjoy veggie fruits because other veg irritates my gi tract.


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