World Wide Protests! Canadian Truckers, NHS Staff Protest, Czech Rep Ends Mandates 1/23/22

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Coming up on today's TOP News Stories from Around the World! Massive protests continued strong world wide this weekend, drawing millions to the streets to protest mandates and curbs on liberty. In Germany, over 1,000 protests and close to 200,000 people hit the streets, with the German government calling the show of disapproval "depressing."

Romanian MEP Cristian Terhes spoke to rally goers in Stockholm, Sweden, while UK healthcare workers against a proposed mandate for NHS threw down their uniforms in front of parliament.

Truckers shut down traffic in Canada, as vaccine passports went into affect on Saturday; both the Canadian and US authorities are banning unjabbed truckers from crossing US or Canadian borders.

Down under in Australia and New Zealand, warm weather protests marched. Meanwhile Boris Johnson's government succumbed to pressure after being caught at several parties breaking their own rules and will be lifting many of the mandates in place- Ireland to follow suit.

A German Naval commander was forced to resign after candidly speaking hard truths when it comes to Russia, China, and the Ukraine. He said that Crimea is probably lost to Russia and China is not that great... All this and more with our special guest from the UK, Brit Girl for her insightful commentary on what is really happening across the pond and the sentiment of the average Brit. You can follow her on GAB And when she gets more chocolate and candy in stock you can order here: Read More:

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