20 Years Owning A M1A PT1 The Catalyst 9/11/01

3 years ago

As of December 2021, I have owned my Springfield Armory Loaded Standard M1A/M-14 Type Battle Rifle. On 09/11/2001 the world changed and I wasn't ready for it. What if fighting in the streets had broken out. Not a far-fetched idea considering the Anthrax laced letters and the DC Sniper. Or the many other large-scale and small-scale attacks here in the states, onboard airliners and in our military and on our military. Ft. Hood, Chattanooga, The Shoe Bomber, Paris, London, Niece France.... and on it goes.
Not for a minute have I questioned my decision to purchase my rifle. Twenty years later we are discovering why the Founding Fathers wrote the second amendment. The current administration is the very reason why they thought it should be protected by law. The heavy-handed attempts to mandate this or that against the will of the people is a prime example. They always say, look at Australia and now we can respond. Yes, look at Australia and how, without guns, the people of Australia are subjects NOT Citizens. They may protest but have no real power unless many are willing to mob government henchmen to get guns. They are being arrested and put in concentration camps for not wearing a mask or for protesting. Austria in central Europe is even worse. Folks can't work or buy food or any other activity without proof of the jab.
We however are not going to surrender the only freedom that can preserve all others.
This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. Without me it is useless, without it I am useless. Before God I swear, we will conquer our enemy.
Stay tuned until the end for a sneak peek at part 2.

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