Trauma, Grief and Perseverance - Late Night Love 86

3 years ago

Tonight we talk about trauma, grief and finding a path through it all when you can see no path.

“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”
– Maya Angelou, American poet, memoirist, civil rights activist

A CEO fires 900 employees over Zoom, just before the holidays. What do you think?

How Traumatic Loss and Grief Change You

Grief Swallowed Me Whole and Spit Me Back Out

10 Self-Care Promises I Make to Myself

I'm 16, should I quit my job if they've made me work 16 hours my first weekend and I've only worked 2 days? This is my first job.

Is it considered rude when you order the most inexpensive food when someone else is paying for the meal?

My mother in law keeps going in our bedroom. So, I put a lock on it. She asked why the door is locked. I have avoided this. How do I tell her to stop snooping?

My 15-year-old son destroyed his new PS5 because I didn’t buy him a gaming PC. Should I give in or hold my ground and buy him another new PS5 instead?

I was buying crypto in bull time, now it’s crashed and I lost 80% of my savings on it. How do I cover my loss and exit from here?

My 22-year-old son wants to move out but I won't let him. How do I convince him that he shouldn't leave?

I'm 13 years old and my dad treats me like I'm 5. He doesn't let me wear makeup, have a phone, and go out without him needing to know exactly who I'm with. What should I do?

My soon to be 12-year-old daughter is dead set on having a tea party for her birthday, but I find it a tad childish. Do I throw her a tea Party?

Is Minecraft satanic? My son was playing and I heard crying and chain clanging noises.

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