The Mainstreaming of Natural Immunity to COVID

3 years ago

To those that have been paying attention the evidence for natural immunity, ie: immunity post infection from COVID has been increasing exponentially. It has become so overwhelming that it is spilling out into the mainstream.

The evidence of natural immunity not only affording better protection than vaccination but also longer lasting protection has been absolutely squashed by the medical industrial complex. First principles would tell you that natural immunity to the virus should give you better immunity than just immunity to the spike protein secondary to the vaccine. Natural infection leads to you having an array of COVID specific proteins that you develop immunity to. It also leads you to having better T cell immunity (which is not tested with antibody testing)….. and also IgA immunity. Vaccination does not give you significant IgA immunity which is the first line of defense against a respiratory born virus.

The reasons for the medical industrial complex going all out to squash this knowledge is unclear but has to be nefarious. Anybody who argued for natural immunity, including famous sports starts were labelled as anti-vax and intellectual ludites not worth paying attention to. The obvious reason for this has to with the dark tentacles of big pharma and their protection, at all costs, of consequent vaccine profits. But the real reason may be even more hideous; ? for example does it have to with the enforced digitilisation of every human being on the planet…. who knows but profit alone seems not to quite cut the mustard, so to speak.

During 2021, study after study confirmed the more effective and efficient protective ability of natural immunity. THe most well known study came from the Israeli population which was released in August 2021… The fully vaccinated were 13 times more likely to get COVID and 27 times more likely to be symptomatic than the naturally immune. The study demonstrated more durable and longer lasting protection following infection.

Over 140 studies demonstrated all aspects of immunity, including laboratory tested T cell immunity and real world studies of infection, clearly exposed the lie that natural immunity was ineffective. Still the media along with politicians and the paid for medical establishment repeated the lie … and urged vaccination despite infection.

Crack started to appear. In November 2021 the CDC had to admit that they had no record of a naturally immune person ever spreading the virus…. of course there are many instances of the vaccinated spreading COVID.

Then there came this blockbuster from the CDC on January the 19th. A blockbuster morbidity and mortality report from the US demonstrating the unparralleled superiority of the natural immune over the fully vaccinated. The naturally immune were 5-6 times more protected than the fully vaccinated. And that was for the delta variant. It would be reasonable to expect that this would be even higher for the Omicron which is even further removed in structure to the original COVID for which the vaccines were developed for. NAtural immunity however gives broader immunity over a larger number of areas on the protein and therefore is less effected by changes in the virus.

So now the secret is out. Even the CDC has admitted, albeit through gritted teeth, that natural immunity is not only extremely effective but is more durable. One of the lies perpetuated by the medical industrial complex has been overwhelmingly proven to be false….. it is time to do the same with early treatment and masks.

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