Leftist cancel culture that blows up in a leftist face

3 years ago

Since the entire let’s go Brandon movement started. After years of threats to trump and his family the comments of f trump. Leftist explode when they hear let’s go Brandon. As you will see in this video I got one of these cowards to talk for a brief second. To respond to my question as lame. Which was if let’s go Brandon was a code for pedos why did Joe Biden agree to the caller when he stated let’s go Brandon. Should that to make him one? If that’s the case is anyone whom supports him is also one. Oddly she had zero response to these questions. I did to show what the democrat party is and what it’s become. This is why I left that party these people are damaged and insane.
Share this show others how they really are we cannot have unity with people like this. When all they are out for is to censor and destroy.
This is nothing short of fascism & cancel culture to shame & shut down others whom do not think like them or agree with them to shame them & shut down what they don't want heard or known by others. This is something cults or governments out of control do to shut down what they want to conceal. Down below i included link's to show what I'm talking about .





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