Panel of highly respected Medical Doctors answer Covid Vaccine Questions

2 years ago

Jan 18, 2022

This took place at the Gaylord Entertainment Center in Nashville, TN. These are highly respected medical doctors answering these questions.
1. Dr. Lawrence Palevsky – Dr. Palevsky is a NYS licensed pediatrician, who utilizes a holistic approach to children’s wellness and illness.
2. Dr. Robert Reinders -
3. Dr. Alvin Moss –
4. Dr. James Neueschwnader –

1. We were told that Fetal Cells were not in the Vaccines and then Project Veritas found out they were. There was a German doctor, Andreas Novak who was murdered last week after he reported that Graphene Oxide was actually in the vaccines. There was a head of a German hospital last week who jumped off the roof of his hospital after admitting that Covid Vaccines were really about Totalitarian Control and it was a scam. Then we have the findings of self assembling Tentacled Nano-bots by Dr. Carrie Madej. Then in 2019 the NIAID, said yes they are looking at Self-Assembling Nanobots within the Vaccines and Dr. Fauci’s signature was on the document. So, all that sets up these questions: What are in these Vaccines and these are Bombshell stories that have been censored, shouldn’t this information be made to the public?
2. ANSWER: Dr. Palevsky – So because these injections are experimental and only being used under the EUA – we do not know the ingredients in the vaccines, we know there is Polyethylene Glycol, mRNA to manufacture spike proteins, mRNA to stop the body from the body removing the mRNA, but as far as this we don’t know what is in these vaccines. As far as the German Doctor – it was Graphene Hydroxide which acts as Razor Blades which causes cuts in the endothilial lines of the blood vessels, we are seeing clots, strokes, soccer players dying on the field and he raised the question if it was this graphene oxide that was causing these deaths. Over 100 have died suddenly on the soccer field and many more athletes have died. The question that needs to be asked is there something in these shots that could be causing the observations that we are seeing. That is the normal scientific method and then you access the shots by the ingredients. We do know that there is no study isolating any ingredients in these shots both short or longer term, yet we hear they say they are safe and effective. So do you adhere to your own observations or do you believe them and take their word for it. Almost 20,000 people have died just in the USA and this may be only 1%. Shouldn’t we investigate what should be in this shot, but the censors say, No nothing going on here.
3. ANSWER: Dr. Neueschwnader – None of the ingredients have been evaluated separately. Vaccine is evaluated at an entire shot. They may not approve a single ingredient but they approve the whole compound. When you look at some of the things in there, like Phospholipids which are Man Made and have just the Opposite Polarity. Why does this matter? Because every membrane in the body is made

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