Is there a place in TIME for LOVE or is LOVE beyond TIME? 🤔

3 years ago

"Love is a force," he whispered, "a being that needs understanding. Love is the electric force of life, the very breath and essence of life. Love is the flame of eternal beauty. Love is wonderful, and by love, one achieves supreme happiness, People who cannot love become spiritually and physically ill. Not for them the riches of the soul. They live contrary to its laws. thereby misunderstanding the true meaning of love and how it is food and life to the soul.

"Love needs to manifest within, to radiate outward, encompassing all within its radiating field as the star of our system encircles the inner planets within its vast corona. To love all things is to enfold oneself within this magnetic field of positive existence, to commune and become one with nature and live in harmony with the universe. One is alerted to the pulse of life and answers stream into the brain, telling us what to do and how to live. Once we are attuned to the pulse of light, or life, we move in harmonic rhythm with our galaxy and universe, and there is no need for hate and dissension. People on Earth do not understand this, and the fair lands of Earth are swept by the mass insanity of its peoples.

"As a physicist, I explore how nature behaves, and in this way we find the answers to our environment and are able to duplicate that environment within our spaceships. We let nature work for us and enjoy the beauty and comfort she provides without upsetting the balance and harmony of the environment. Our home planet is retained in this way. The environment and overall climate are equable and beneficial to our health.

"People of Earth need to go forward, and not to look back and live in their past. Otherwise they will not survive. We understand nature and our environment, and we avoid her ruthless violence and destruction. We counteract or anticipate her moods and observe very closely the behavior of stars and planets, as it is the stars in solar systems that control and affect the climates of planets. We understand and know well the cosmos in which we all have our being.

"The average human being on Earth does not live long enough to attain great understanding and wisdom. Ignorance and fear still remain the fear from which hate and wars breed. It is your environment that breeds the impassive cruelty that manifests itself in human nature. Mankind's ego has always been bolstered up with the idea that his must be the only advanced and civilized race in the galaxy. Now, the realization that a race from afar perfected space travel eons ago comes as a great shock, striking at the very roots and foundations of the narrow and orthodox teachings of humankind on Earth.

"Humankind is a creature of space. Humanity is a space race, living on a planet in orbit around a star as others are also doing. Mankind is not unique, as he so fondly imagines.

He believes in his singular creation with a credence that is quite fantastic, but he is merely a part of the vast interstellar human family bred and nurtured by us through the eons of time on planets in different solar systems throughout the galaxy. The level of civilization of races and peoples can only be measured by their degree of compassion.

"People of Earth can no longer be bound to the surface of their planet like creatures of two

dimensions crawling about the length and breadth of their domain. They will now soar into the third dimension, height. They will see themselves as they really are, for adjustments will have to be made to their way of thinking and living before understanding and control of their environment can take place. This is of paramount importance for their advancement and for their continuing existence.

"If they do not change for the better, they will destroy themselves, and we will have no alternative but to destroy their planet to retain the harmonic balance within the Sun's system. Fair lands have been destroyed by humankind in the Sun's solar system in the past. Whole planets have been laid bare and ravaged by their destructive ways."


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