Guy's Jam - Fly By Wire

3 years ago

Guy Zerafa asked Greg Critchley and I to come to Lydian Sound Studios in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada on August 6th, 1996.
When we arrived and set up our gear and we asked him what he was hoping to have us play, and all he said was "play something funky."
Greg started laying down a groove and I started grooving along with him. We did this for about 30 minutes and Guy told us that he had more than enough music to work with, given the 5 or 6 ideas that we had laid down in that thirty minutes.
He then took the recordings from that day to his friend, and studio engineer, Wayne Brauer. Guy had Wayne lay down some funky guitar tracks and mixed the audio and the results are here for you to hear for yourself. I had long forgotten about the music that was recorded in this session almost twenty years ago.
Recently, I reached out to Wayne and Guy and was informed that our friend Guy Zerafa had passed away. At this time, Wayne informed me that he had some music that I had recorded in 1996 and forwarded all of the files from that session along to me. After listening to the audio, I was astonished with the overall sound quality and the next day, I reached out to Greg and passed these grooves and ideas along to him.
It was through this process, that we all discussed the concept of putting this music up on the web, I felt it necessary to put together these slideshows, as a tribute to our mutual friend, and the person who brought Greg, Myself and Wayne together, This was the 5th idea that we recorded that day.
R.I.P - Guy Zerafa
You will be missed greatly.

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