Randy George Interview | Neal Morse Band

3 years ago

0:00 - Background - Ajalon - Neal Morse beginnings
8:28 - How Randy's band mates stay together for so long
16:29 - Behind the scenes documentaries - Creative process
25:18 - Randy’s solo work
34:08 - Sweet Invention
39:43 - Innocence and Danger Tour
42:14 - New album discussion/collaboration
52:53 - How to see the NMB live

Randy George is an American progressive rock musician/multi-instrumentalist specializing in bass guitar. Randy was gracious to have a Zoom interview with me. We discussed his background, solo albums, the Innocence and Danger album, and his upcoming tour with the Neal Morse Band. Thank you, Randy!

If you love what you hear from these musicians, please purchase their stuff!

Randy's Website: http://www.randygeorgemusic.net/
Waterfall Streaming App: https://waterfallstreaming.com/
Tour Dates: https://www.nealmorse.com/2021/06/18/nmbtourdates/
Order Music: https://www.nealmorse.com/discography/

Randy's photo thumbnail from http://www.randygeorgemusic.net/

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