How can I tell if my dog is overweight?

2 years ago

How can I tell if my dog is overweight?
The first step to understanding if your dog is overweight is prevention. By getting into the habit of weighing them regularly, recording their weight, and taking them for checkups with your veterinarian, you will have a clearer picture of weight gain or loss during their lifetime.
Your vet will be able to tell you your dog's ideal weight based on gender, breed and age. If your dog is between 15% and 20% over the ideal weight, he will be classified as obese. For example, a dog whose ideal weight is 50 kg would be considered obese if he weighs 60 kg.
A simple test you can do at home to find out if your dog is overweight or obese is to try to feel his ribs through his coat and skin. If you can feel the ribs but they are not prominent, your dog is at a healthy weight. If it is impossible to find and feel the ribs, your dog is overweight.
Want to know how to make your doggy look beautiful click on the link in the video description:

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