Many Reasons For You To Love a Cat. Why Do I Love Cats So Much? How Cats Make Us Better Humans.

3 years ago

SL 2. cats narrated. 100 reasons to love a cat. Why do i love cats so much and you can too.

So, how to learn about cats and learn about cats behavior? What are good things to learn about cats and things to know about cats as pets? Lets decipher many house cat facts in this cat tips and facts video series.

We will learn about cat behavior meaning and different cat behaviors and what they mean and what cat behaviors really mean. After you learn how to understand cat behavior you will essentially know how to understand cat. And you will receive answer to the question - why do cats behave strangely.
So, lets explore cats and keep learning cats by learning cats behaviour.

This is a series of cat fact videos including some cat facts you didn’t know. And there are things about cats you didn’t know but those are things about cats you should know, especially, if you have a cat or plan to get a pet cat or have cat as a pet in your home or house or apartment.

So, watch these videos with things you need to know about cats and learn some cool things about cats. Among best things about cats is that you can enjoy practically every moment of interaction with your pet cat.
Therefore, these are educational videos about cats with cool facts about cats things you wanna know.

This cat video series include pet cat care tips and pet care tips for cats. Hopefully, learning cat facts and facts about pet cats will help you to learn how to keep a pet cat or how to keep a cat generally.

There are good reasons why are cats pets. Many reasons for the fact why cats are the best pets are explored in these cat videos.

Learn how take care of cats and how to care for a pet cat. Find out cat tips for beginners as well as cat tips and hacks in this cat hacks video. #cats #cat #catlover

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we have many reasons for which we might love cats

cats both can receive and give lots of affection unconditionally most of the time we have a resistible urge to pet that fluffy cat don't we why is it so

even despite of risk of being bitten or scratched we find cats adorable and cute despite them being effective predators

we are ready to forgive cats their mischief and havoc they can cause at home

cats are ready to accept us for who we are they don't judge us like people

cats are ready to accept law and affection without artificial social boundaries they're genuine which makes get genuine honest in their feelings and expression of their feelings and when they trust us they trust us genuinely and completely and also there is medical evidence suggesting benefit of the cat at home catnon owners are 30 more likely to die from cardiovascular disease so cats are good for your heart cat owners have higher release of dopamine and serotonin

and that reduces stress and improves immune system and that's a fact cat a fun loving cats are fun loving and playful creatures bringing fun into our lives besides cat's parent tones up to 150 health a healthy beneficial vibration

cats are intelligent and understand people very well

they try to adapt to us making us feel worthy

when cats sleep around us it calms us down did you notice it besides purine cats genuinely enjoy human company

cats have practically unlimited capacity to return affection and to receive it but human owners must earn cats affection first in relationship with cat if relationship with cat is really good then cat may take care of the owner and groom him or her which pleases human owners and evidences family relationship with cat

not only we adore cats but our cats may adore us it does happen very often

that admiration makes us feel self-worthy and important

cats understand our feelings and mood and adjust to it cats have some unique ability to see our real feelings guests do try to cheer up owners when those are sad

they try to always keep us in good mood for their benefit of course

cats are catching bad bugs or rodents at home in home

ancients believe that cats also protected us from evil spirits

as you can see cat's benefits are numerous

from emotional to health to even practical belly benefits

cats also wake up our maternal or paternal instincts

those instincts make us better humans

you can write in the comments below why do you think cats makes us happy

and why do you think cats offer benefits to humans and which benefits do you think they offer to us

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and thanks for watching see you in the next video

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