i worked all the 12 steps in less than an hr (sponsored myself)

3 years ago

ag knows that ag has anger issues
the rest of the world doesn't know what's wrong w/ them
i don't wanna take out anything on anyone (esp my kitties)
why we don't want a boyfriend or anything of that nature
anything longer than AA meeting, can't do it
ronnit (my jew) spent the night, the only one who is allowed to do that
harr ball
ronnit is an older, israeli version of me
still friends with that gay couple
such a stupid idea for me to have people at my house for a prolonged period of time
solitary confinement my choice
social distancing before social distancing was communist
i look like i have herpes
a lotta people are freaked out by the kid voice
all the way in cluster A (schizo spectrum)
we can't stand society cos society is stupid
i would make a good mom but not a good wife
i cried about yelling at arlo
i don't wanna yell at my cat for being a cat
4th step: searching & fearless moral inventory
i pushed all these dudes away
a conventional life ain't for me
do sumin totally contrary to your nature
i know how i behave so why would i attempt to do sumin i don't wanna do
relationships leave me crawling outta my skin
women need to make babies, quilts, or art (yours truly)
it takes a man to make a baby
there are no men anymore
i have standards, you don't understand cos you're in this sect of society
you insist on technology that annihilates your existence
obviously a joke here, but so true, BOING! is all their heads do
unsubscribe to me, make me eat a mint!

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