3 years ago

The familiar sound of "testing, testing, 1, 2" was heard upon approaching the 'Freedom & Rights Coalition' march assembly point at Cranmer Square.

The national anthem sung, then announcements followed by an empassioned speech & then the crowd commenced their walk along Montreal Street, Victoria Street & Papauni Road.

Good support from onlookers, although a couple of zombie types were more than willing to give their opinion as to why we should be happy with democidal servitude. One rather unhealthy woman deciding to screech like a banshee and nudge one of the bikes with her car.

More joined the procession along the route.

One thing was certain, an air of resolve, determination and more importantly, belief was apparent.

We are winning this war!

The only question left unanswered was, when do we start to make our arrests and place the criminals on public trial?

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