Project Galileo - In Search of Extraterrestrial

3 years ago

THE PROJECT GALILEO - in search for Extraterrestrial.
After so many years of speculation, finally, it seems that we might reach on some conclusion regarding the existence of Aliens, and their connections to Earth.
An international team of scientists from Harvard, Princeton, Cambridge, Caltech and the University of Stockholm have teamed up to look for the evidence for Alien civilizations, which may have visited planet earth thousands of years back.
The Project is named as, “the Project Galileo”, after a famous Italian astronomer, “Galileo”, who propagated that Earth is not the center of the Universe. The team will also look for evidence of technology built by Alien civilizations.
The project has already received 1.75 million USD donated by several private donors. The specialists in the team will use the latest technology to investigate UFO’s and extraterrestrial activities being reported recently.
Professor Avi Loeb, who is the part of the team, told reporters that the impact of any discovery related to extraterrestrial technology will be incredible for us, and it will change the view we see the world. Loeb further said that investigating the truth about UFO’s is not the job of military or politicians. It is the scientific community who need to find the reality pertaining to Aliens.
Apart from investigating UFOs, the Project Galileo will investigate objects that visit our solar system from interstellar space, and Alien artifacts which might be orbiting Earth. This new branch of astronomy is termed as "space archaeology". The investigations by Avi Loeb and his team will complement the existing field of the search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), which probes for alien radio signals.
If Project Galileo will achieve what it is intended for, then all the thought process of Philosophers, Scientists and thinkers will be reset.

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