Babbling about Reintegrative Therapy for Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction with Strong Support

3 years ago

Here is the Q&A I did with Ali Jaffery from Strong Support on June 19th, 2021. There weren't many questions, so I was able to give long answers on what Reintegrative Therapy for unwanted same-sex attraction is like. I've been learning a lot since doing training with Joe Nicolosi, Jr, so I had a lot to share!
Note: Strong Support is a group for Muslim men dealing with unwanted same-sex eroticization. As a Christian, I appreciate the bond we share in fighting the sexual revolution's effects on multiple cultures and religions.

#ReintegrativeTherapy #ReparativeTherapy #UnwantedSSA #StrongSupport #Nicolosi #SAFET #SOCE

Strong Support's website:

The study that was not yet published at the time of this Q&A is now available!
Pela, C., & Sutton, P. (2021). Sexual attraction fluidity and well-being in men: A therapeutic outcome study. Journal of Human Sexuality, 12, 61-86. Download it here:

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