Alien in the Woods Guided Meditation For Letting Go of Pressure w/ CBT Questioning of Beliefs

3 years ago

Your higher spiritual self is NOT stressed out about the pressures that plague you. You are always free to let those pressures go. This is a guided meditation to release those stresses.

Are you feeling pressured to get a vaccine, wear a mask, believe what other people believe, to make more money, to get married, etc? Your higher self knows that you are free and don't have to live up to other people's expectations. Your higher self knows that you will find friends who won't pressure you, or a job where you're not pressured. But, you need to know that too, and this meditation helps you to remember that you are free. Question your limiting beliefs and you can have a new lease on life.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a form of therapy that focuses on cognition (the way you think) in order to feel better. If you question your irrational beliefs, you will realize how irrational they are, and can start to think in new ways (which will help you feel better since our emotions are forever tied to our beliefs).


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