Kash’s Corner: Top Scientists Who Pushed ‘Natural Origins’ Received $50 Million from NIAID? | TEASER

3 years ago

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“How did these guys get $50 million in funding? … That's moving a lot of money in federal government.”

Today on Kash’s Corner, we discuss an investigation by Epoch Times’ journalists Jeff Carlson and Hans Mahncke. After reviewing funding data, they found four scientists who were at the forefront of pushing the theory of a natural origin of COVID-19 received millions in grant money from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in 2020 and 2021.

Read more here: https://www.theepochtimes.com/scientists-who-were-instrumental-to-covid-19-natural-origins-narrative-received-over-50-million-in-niaid-funding-in-2020-2021_4220769.html

#KashPatel #Omicron #VirusOrigins

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Kash’s Corner: Top Scientists Who Pushed ‘Natural Origins’ Received $50 Million from NIAID?

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shutterstock Images: https://shutr.bz/2u8Zdp8
Music: Audioblocks.com, epidemicsound.com
Stock Video: Videoblocks.com

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