School closings and delays in Middle Tennessee due to weather, road conditions

3 years ago

Several school districts in parts of Middle Tennessee are closed Thursday due to road conditions after inclement weather Wednesday increased the risk of flooding.

Rutherford County Schools are closed after overnight reports of numerous road closures, according to a tweet from the district's social media account.

Coffee and Bedford counties joined the list of closures Thursday morning.

Below is an ongoing list of schools which will be opening late or closing:

Rutherford County: Closed Thursday

Bedford County: Closed Thursday

Coffee County: Closed Thursday

DeKalb County: Closed Thursday

Hickman County: Closed Thursday

Lawrence County: Closed Thursday

Clarskville-Montgomery County Schools: After-school activities canceled

Marshall County: Closed Thursday

Maury County Public Schools: All schools closed Thursday due to current and oncoming inclement weather.

Sumner County: Closed Thursday and Friday due to the possibility of road closures from flooding as well as icy road conditions Friday morning.

Warren County: Closed Thursday

This list will be updated.

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