Justice, Education, Welfare, and Restitution | Rushdoony Lecture Part 2

3 years ago

There are only a few Reformed theologians in the 20th century who embraced the Puritan ideal of applying God's word to all of life. R.J. Rushdoony was one such theologian who did just that with unique insight and clarity. For more info on his life, read the bio below. Whether you agree at every point, you are surely to benefit from this rare lecture of him now released with much needed audio improvement. It ain't perfect, but its much more listenable. Enjoy and be blessed.

We only attempted to make visual and audio updates for ease of listening and viewing. We left the content as it was received from Jackson's Journal YouTube channel here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkQX500D_PdlecHlg_fQUHY3efLcFjQBW

Visit the ministry that Rushdoony started: www.chalcedon.edu

An incredible place to start reading Rushdoony is "Politics of Guilt & Pity"
Link to buy: https://amzn.to/3ExPqHO
Then read "Thy Kingdom Come"
Link to buy:

Taken from that website, here is a short bio of Rushdoony:
Rousas John Rushdoony (April 25, 1916 – February 8, 2001)

Rushdoony was an American Calvinist philosopher, historian, theologian, teacher, preacher, advocate, father, and husband. He also like to point out he was an Armenian. He is credited as being the father of Christian Reconstruction and an inspiration for the modern Christian homeschool movement.
This multi-faceted man has been called the Father of the modern Christian and home school movements because of his emphasis on the importance of a distinctively Christian philosophy of education.

Rushdoony gave priority to the Biblical family and its vital role in the formation of the godly society. Rush was just as likely to appear in court to defend the Constitutional rights of parents and churches as he was to answer his own phone and engage with callers, answering their questions and providing counsel.

#rjrushdoony #godslaw #theonomy #modernpuritan #reformedtheology

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