Making an Acrylic Disc Front for a Harvest Right Freeze Dryer

2 years ago

In this video I show how I made the clear plastic disc for the front of our Harvest Right freeze dryer. I put this on instead of the pad that came with the machine because I wanted to be able to see (and video) inside while it was running.

First, if your freeze dryer is like ours, the opening is not quite round. For my first test piece I cut a very accurate circle out of a piece of foamcore and it had gaps up to 3 - 4 mm (1/8"+) around the edge. So instead, I took the seal off and cut a piece of foamcore just a little smaller than the inside of the metal freeze dryer opening. I glued a little handle to the middle of one side and put it into the freeze dryer. Then, I put the seal back in place and pulled the piece of foamcore tight up against it and carefully traced the opening. Next, I cut the foamcore disc and test it for fit; if it's good, trace it onto the acrylic. I used 0.075" (1.9mm) thick acrylic, though I'm sure thicker would work great. I cut the acrylic using a scroll saw followed by a little sanding to get it right to the line. On the front face of the disc I glued a few spacers around the edge and a piece in the middle to use as a handle. (These were just some scrap pieces about 1/2" tall) The spacers insure that there is space between the disc and the door, and is about in the middle of the seal each time. I marked where the top is so I can put the acrylic in in the same orientation each time; I also make sure to install the seal in the same direction every time it's removed. Finally, I put a thin strip of self adhesive foam weatherstrip at the back edge of the seal to give the acrylic disc something to bump into so I don't push it all the way inside.

The disc seems to work better than the pad that came with the freeze dryer for lowering heat transfer. I'm basing this on the fact that the front of the door does not get as cold with the plastic disc in place as it did with pad. I love how good of a job it has done and have not experienced ANY downside yet.
I also added metalized film bubble stuff around the door seal:

Catwood Cooking tries to put up their freeze drying videos each Friday; consider going over and checking out their channel.

If you are thinking of buying a Harvest Right freeze dryer, please consider supporting us by purchasing through our affiliate link. It helps us and costs you nothing!
We have the medium freeze dryer with the original vacuum pump.
Amazon affiliate links to some of the things we have been using; it helps us and costs you nothing.
• Escali Primo Kitchen Scale
• Etekcity Kitchen Scale11lb/5kg
• Wilton Long Loaf Pan, 16 x 4-Inch
• The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day:
• Teflon Tape for Impulse Sealers​
• Dial Thermometer -40 to 160 F 1-Inch
• Parchment paper - We usually get our at Costco, but they also have it on Amazon or​
• Corrugated Plastic Sheets we use in our freezer​
• Drill Bit 5/32" x 10" Extra Length
• Wilton 8" Pans, Set of 2
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Mylar bags:

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