Aluminum nano particles in vaccines facilitate molecular mimicry, which led to autoimmune disorders.

3 years ago

They put in jabs different aluminum nano particles, that tightly binds to bacteria/virus antigens and any other vaccine`s contaminants. Biochemical properties of nano particles, is that they are capable of entering the brain. European studies have shown, aluminum nano particles can persist in the brain for decades. So what we`re seeing is a large outbreak of neurodevelopmental disorders disabilities in adults, including Alzheimer's. They finding in the brain of the people with Alzheimer`s the Aluminum nano particles of vaccines, that directly related to vaccines, we`re giving. We do know that vaccines suppose to cause inflammation. More than half of immunized children suffering from chronic inflamed conditions, 1 in 5 with neurodevelopmental disabilities, 1 in 10 with ADD, ADHD, 1 in 35 with Autism, 1 in 11 with asthma, 1 in 20 under the age of 5 with seizures, and the autoimmune diseases are exponentially rising. We are finding that the viruses and the bacteria that we injecting into the body along with adjutants, create molecular mimicry, which means, that despite body recognizing its as foreign, but finds matching with body pieces of viruses, and immune system didn't`t differentiate between what its been told to reject and itself, so its will turn immune system on itself, leading to autoimmune condition.

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