Inventing the Smart Learning Contract on Cardano 2 of 3

3 years ago

So We Say presents this second of three episodes in podcast format of this concept that is so big and so transformational we have a LOT to say about it.

We hope developers will see this material.

We (Paul Erikson and Mickel Modig) discuss why SLC's are necessary and how they might work to revolutionize the educational system in line with the goals of Cardano.

0.24 Decentralized education
0.44 Developers needed to partner in creating smart contract-based curriculum
1.05 Role of teachers
2.11 Teachers involved in evaluation/assessment
2.26 Different qualifications for assessing different Proofs of Progress
3:55 Need for a challenge mechanism
6.03 Incentivizing the bringing forward of legitimate challenges
6.25 Approaching social credit system?
8.25 Proof-of-Progress NFT's as the new resume
9.15 Credential specific and incontrovertible
9.50 Self-governance in education built in
10.55 New Earth mindset, "truthful economy"?
11.22 Back to role of the teacher - Facilitating assessment
13.10 Teacher becomes part of decentralized assessment community
15.39 Creativity opened up in trifecta model
17.20 Possibility of analyzing themes in learners' Proofs-of-Progress
18.35 Teachers work with enhanced knowledge of learner's mindset
19.19 School work becomes largely collaborative
19.50 Purposeful activity in classrooms
20.30 Imagining a network of learning artifacts, analyzing themes, trends, groups
22.30 Flourishing diversity
23.00 Summary
23.30 Next time, how can learners get paid to learn?

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