7 Save USA Strategies to plug into NOW!

3 years ago

You know that the USA is in crisis, but you don't know where to put your time effort and money... here is a presentation realesed January of 2022 pointing you to the movements that are taking action NOW and what will be need in the near future to heal and repair from the damage being done by COVID-19 planed-emic.

Lead Links to the 7:

1. Precinct Strategy – https://precinctstrategy.com/

2. National Liberty Alliance – https://nationallibertyalliance.org/

3. CSPOA & Oath Keepers – https://cspoa.org/ and https://www.oathkeepers.org/

4. Liberty First Society – https://libertyfirstsociety.com/

5. Journalism – http://cfapa.org/

6. DBT – https://www.guilford.com/books/DBT-Skills-Training-Manual/Marsha-Linehan/9781462516995

7. Restorative Justice – https://youtu.be/otjyE8ioexg

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