2 years ago

Shock horror Boris' Tory party whips are said to be strong-arming back-bench MPs into supporting the beleaguered PM, salivates the fakestream media.

Perspective: that same fakestream media didn't give a single damn when Tory whip Tim Fortescue admitted their intimidation tactics included covering up child rape in exchange for Members' support for government policy.

So who was he?

Fortecue was alleged paedophile PM Ted Heath's whip, colleague to fellow whip arch-EUrophile Ken Clarke (now a Baron despite trying to hijack democracy by derailing Brexit in the last Parliament but one).

And what was the key policy alluded to by Fortescue that that Government used its whips to railroad?

JOINING THE EEC which is now the EU and despite Heath's treasonous cover up of FCO 30-1048 which explained how the UK would inevitably sacrifice its sovereignty, ultimately, by joining. (Begging the question, was Heath blackmailed too?)

Yes, whips have black books and they bully, they cover up the most heinous of crimes and the mainstream bloody media sits back and ignores all that, butter-mouthed, when it suits their overlords.

(I'll tell you someone else who had a 'black book'. Jeffrey Epstein. MSM: no comment!)

Here's to us and bugger plutocracy!

Olly Connelly
Producer, Daily Chaos
Ordo ab ruddy chao!

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