Number One Triceps Exercise For Mass Skinny Guys

3 years ago

The number one triceps exercise for mass (which works for skinny guys and ALL) is the triceps pulldown and overhead triceps extension using a rope. The rope allows for the maximum amount of weight without putting extra strain on the wrist. Triceps mass is built rapidly by utilizing just these two exercises. Skinny guys, hard gainers, and of course more genetically gifted individuals, will all benefit from these two exercises. I know of no two other exercises which will hit the triceps for mass building better. As a side note, Arnold said this was his favorite device (the rope) for getting his massive triceps' development. Thee two exercises hit the larger two heads of the triceps (the long head and lateral heads) - these will give you the mass and wide look you are seeking in just two exercises - no other exercises will be needed for these two heads. Although the much smaller medial head is not developed extensively by these two exercises, that is better accomplished by narrow grip bench pressing type of movements. These are the only two exercises I've personally used for years - and my triceps are massive. In fact, I have to ease-up working them at times so they don't become too dominant on my arms.

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