Tips You Can Use to Lose the Blues, Naturally - with health and wellness educator Angela Arena

2 years ago

As the days grow shorter and temperatures dip lower, an estimated 20 percent of US adults are about to experience a seasonal bout of moodiness, apathy, and depression known as the winter blues (aka SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder in its more serious form).

‘This year, because of the lingering effects of the pandemic, year-end mood disorders could be worse than ever in some areas,” says natural health and wellness educator Angela Arena.

‘To successfully combat seasonal stress, it’s important that we all make a few nutrition and lifestyle changes to keep the winter blues from creeping into our lives, depressing our moods, and spoiling this wonderful time of the year.”

Here is Angela’s 6-step mood-boosting protocol to help beat the blues naturally.

1. Fix your sleep regimen

If someone is feeling anxious or stressed out during the day, the first thing I ask them is “how are your nights going?” Many times people don’t realize how poorly they’ve been sleeping. If people are struggling with daytime stresses and sadness as well as struggling with sleep, I usually recommend handling the sleep first because many times that will often have a “halo” into the day. To improve sleep you can try a number of things including mediation, deep breathing, plant-based sleep supplements, and clearing the room of electronic distractions.

2. Exercise

I recommend exercising at least three times a week – even a 15-to-30-minute workout has been shown to greatly improve overall health and well-being. You may feel too tired to exercise, but that’s even a better reason to do it. “Exercise” doesn't have to mean miles of running or heavy lifting; a 20-minute walk around the block will do it. Getting outside is great because you get the added bonus of sunshine.

3. Gradually clean up your diet

Little changes can add up over time and can really make a big difference to your physical and emotional well-being – but they don’t have to be overwhelming. You can start small. Cut out the extra spoon of sugar in your morning coffee and see if you feel any calmer during the day.

4. Anticipate stress / be proactive

Be aware of any daily occurring situations that create anxiety or stress for you, and proactively consume stress-relieving foods or supplements before exposing yourself to those triggering situations to change the direction of your day for the better.

5. Mood-boosting vitamins & minerals

Dietary supplements that help lift mood include vitamin-D, vitamin-B complex, and magnesium (magnesium glycinate).

6 Adaptogens and nootropics

Adaptogens are non-toxic compounds that help the body adapt to mental & physical stress and restore homeostasis (physiological balance). Nootropics are compounds that improve cognitive function, such as memory, creativity, focus, memory recall and mood. Examples:

· Saffron: improves mood and supports cognitive function.

· Rhodiola: supports the body’s ability to react to and recover from stress.

· Eleuthero (Siberian ginseng): boosts energy and mental stamina.

· Hemp extract: stress-reducing and system balancing


1. How many people are affected by winter depression, and what triggers it?

2. What are some of the signs and symptoms?

3. You say that quality sleep is necessary for maintaining an elevated mood. For those of us who don’t sleep well, give us your regimen for getting a good night’s sleep.

4. What kind of exercises are best for lifting mood?

5. What dietary changes typically lift depression the quickest?

6. What vitamins should we be taking to keep depression at bay?

7. To keep anxiety low and brain function high, you recommend “adaptogens” and “nootropics”, specifically: saffron, rhodiola, Siberian ginseng, and hemp. Explain what these things are and how we can use them to control depression and anxiety

8. You’ve formulated a line of natural plant-based supplements and health products for women over 45. Why do these women need their own line of natural healthcare products?

9. You’ve stated that your goal as an educator is to give solutions that are actionable and not aspirational. Tell us more.

10. How can listeners get more information? (visit

ANGELA ARENA is a natural health and wellness educator and founder of Kind Lab, a radical wellness company specializing in plant-based solutions formulated to work with and for a woman’s body.

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